政府によるカナダ緊急対応給付金(Canada Emergency Response Benefit)の申請が4月6日(月)からついに始まりました。
Applications for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit open today for those who were born in January, February, or March. If you were born later in the year, don’t worry – you’ll be able to apply later this week. See below for more info:
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) April 6, 2020
To get the Canada Emergency Response Benefit faster once applications are open, you can sign up in advance for My Account through the @CanRevAgency. And if you can, choose direct deposit to get money into your account sooner. ➡️
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) March 31, 2020
Took Less than 1 minute to apply. .. if your Canada revenue acct is set…up easy peasy #CERB
— Brian Briguy (@BrianCo61985470) April 6, 2020
Can you receive the Canada Emergency Response Benefit if you are not a citizen or permanent resident?
To be eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, you must reside in Canada and have a valid Social Insurance Number.
Workers who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents – including temporary foreign workers and international students – may be eligible to receive the Benefit if they meet the other eligibility requirements.引用:カナダ政府
Canada Emergency Response Benefitの対象となるには、カナダに居住し、有効なSIN番号を持っている必要があります。
1. CRAのマイアカウントにアクセス・CERBの「Apply」をクリック
すると、以下の画像のように、COVID-19:Canada Emergency Response Benefit の項目(水色の部分)があるので、そこの「Apply」ボタンをクリックします。
The Government of Canada is issuing payments to workers residing in Canada who have lost income or self-employment income for reasons related to COVID-19. You can apply for this benefit through either the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or Service Canada, but not both. By applying, you are giving consent to the CRA to use your tax information for the purposes of administering and enforcing the CERB, and are agreeing that your information, including tax information, may be shared with Employment and Social Development Canada.
カナダ政府は、COVID-19に関連する理由により、雇用収入または自営業収入を失ったカナダ在住の労働者にカナダ緊急対応手当の給付を行っています。この手当は、カナダ歳入庁(CRA)またはサービスカナダ(Service Canada)のいずれかの一つの申請窓口で申請が可能となります(両方の窓口で共に申請する必要はありません)。
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Applyボタンを押すと、上のページが出てきます。自身がCanada Emergency Response Benefitを申請する資格があるかどうか今一度確認できます。
Important: You are not entitled to receive the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) while you are receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits or the CERB from Service Canada. If you have already submitted an application with Service Canada for EI or the CERB, you cannot apply for this benefit through CRA.
重要:サービスカナダ(Service Canada)から雇用保険(EI)手当の給付を受け取っている、または、カナダ緊急対応手当(CERB)を受け取っている間は、カナダ歳入庁(CRA)からカナダ緊急対応手当(CERB)の給付を受け取る資格はありません。
サービスカナダ(Service Canada)にてすでに失業保険(EI)またはカナダ緊急対応手当(CERB)の申請を提出している場合は、カナダ歳入庁(CRA)を通じて上記に該当する手当を申請することはできません。
To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:
You reside in Canada.
You are 15 years of age or older at the time of application.For your first CERB application: you have stopped or will stop working due to reasons related to COVID-19 and, for at least 14 consecutive days of the four week period for which you are applying, you will not be receiving:
employment income;
self-employment income; or
provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.For your subsequent CERB applications: you continue to not be working due to reasons related to COVID-19 and, for the four week period for which you are applying, you will not be receiving:
・employment income;
・self-employment income; or
・provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.・You have not quit your job voluntarily.
・You have not applied for, nor are you receiving, CERB or EI benefits from Service Canada for the same eligibility period.
・You have earned a minimum of $5,000 income within the last 12 months or in 2019 from one or more of the following sources:
・employment income;
・self-employment income; or
・provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.Eligibility periods:
Eligibility periods are fixed in four week periods.
You may apply for CERB for up to a maximum of 16 weeks.Note: If you are later found to be ineligible, you will be required to repay the benefit.
・適格期間において、サービスカナダ(Service Canada)よりカナダ緊急対応手当(CERB)
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その後画面下へ進むと「Select a period(期間を選択する)」という項目があるので、クリックして「March 15,2020 to April 11, 2020(2020年3月15日~2020年4月11日)」を選択します。
3. 申請証明
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Period selected: March 15, 2020 to April 11, 2020
I certify that:
・I reside in Canada.
・I am 15 years of age or older at the time of application.・For my first CERB application: I have stopped or will stop working due to reasons related to COVID-19 and, for at least 14 consecutive days of the four week period for which I am applying, I will not be receiving:
employment income;
self-employment income; or
provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.・For my subsequent CERB applications: I continue to not be working due to reasons related to COVID-19 and, for the four week period for which I am applying, I will not be receiving:
・employment income;
・self-employment income; or
・provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.・I have not quit my job voluntarily.
・I have not applied for, nor am I receiving, the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) or Employment Insurance (EI) benefits from Service Canada for the same eligibility period.
・I have earned a minimum of $5,000 income within the last 12 months or in 2019 from one or more of the following sources:
・employment income;
・self-employment income; or
・provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave.———–
You must certify that the information you have provided is true and correct, and acknowledge that making a false declaration is a criminal offense.
I certify to the following:
□ I meet all the requirements set out above and I understand that I must repay any payment to which I am not entitled.引用:CRA
・初回のCERBの申請において、わたしは COVID-19の影響により、対象期間となる4週間の内、最低でも14日間連続で仕事の中断を余儀なくされた、或いは仕事の中断を予定しており、以下のいずれでも該当する収入を得ていません、または得られません:
・初回のCERBの申請において、わたしは COVID-19の影響により、対象期間となる4週間の内、最低でも14日間連続で仕事の中断を余儀なくされた、或いは仕事の中断を予定しており、以下のいずれでも該当する収入を得ていません、または得られません:
・私は対象期間において、サービスカナダ(Service Canada)にてカナダ緊急対応手当(CERB)または失業保険(EI)の申請、または手当の受領をしておりません。
全て確認してOKであれば、「I meet all the requirements set out above and I understand that I must repay any payment to which I am not entitled.」のボックスにチェックを入れて、次に進みます。
Applying for the CERB benefit? It's easy thru CRA's website. You can also apply through Service Canada. If you can't set up a CRA or Service Canada account online, you can do it over the phone (check websites for phone no.) You only need your SIN. Images are from CRA Portal.
— Glad Day Bookshop (@GDBooks) April 6, 2020
最後に「Review direct deposit」として、事前に登録しておいたダイレクトデポジット先の情報が出てくるので、問題無いかチェックしてください。(※↑の投稿者の方は個人情報を白塗りして消しています)
そして、情報が正しいことを証明するために「I confirm the information is correct.(情報が正しいことを確認しました)」と書かれているボックスにチェックを入れて、送信したら完了です。
As if I wasn’t stressed enough… the very first step I need to do to apply for CERB via @ServiceCanada_E, during my allotted time, and I hit a wall…
— The Harry Potter of Retro (@Channel3Live_) April 6, 2020
You can apply for CERB using 1-800-959-2019 or 1-800-959-2041. Both are bilingual, automated toll-free lines with no call centre agent assistance required.
— Canada Revenue Agency (@CanRevAgency) April 6, 2020