




さらに、同日にCBCが行った Bill Morneau 財務相に対するインタビューでは、財務相から「今後2〜3週間以内には政府が新型コロナウイルス緊急支援資金の援助を開始できるようにしたい」という言葉を聞くことができました。(援助金は小切手郵送ではなく、ダイレクトデポジットでの送金になるとのことです)




ここからはカナダ政府のウェブサイトにある「Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan」の「Support to Canadians」の内容の一部を日本語に訳してお届けします。

Support to Canadians
・Temporary Income Support for Workers and Parents
・Longer-Term Income Support for Workers
・Income Support for Individuals Who Need It Most
(本記事についてのご利用免責事項)これはカナダの現状により日々アップデートされる政府の緊急対策が英語の為、 LifeVancouver/LifeTorontoが、ひとりでも多くの日本語の方に届くように意訳し、皆さんをヘルプするものです。本英訳(意訳)の内容から起こったトラブルについてはLifeVancouver/LifeTorontoは一切責任を持ちません。本記事(ページ)のご利用はこの免責事項に同意したものとみなされます。



【Support to Canadians】

Temporary Income Support for Workers and Parents
労働者と子どもを持つ親への臨時所得救済(Temporary Income Support)

For Canadians without paid sick leave (or similar workplace accommodation) who are sick, quarantined or forced to stay home to care for children, the Government is:

Waiving the one-week waiting period for those individuals in imposed quarantine that claim Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits. This temporary measure will be in effect as of March 15, 2020.
Waiving the requirement to provide a medical certificate to access EI sickness benefits.
Introducing the Emergency Care Benefit providing up to $900 bi-weekly, for up to 15 weeks. This flat-payment Benefit would be administered through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and provide income support to:

・Workers, including the self-employed, who are quarantined or sick with COVID-19 but do not qualify for EI sickness benefits.

・Workers, including the self-employed, who are taking care of a family member who is sick with COVID-19, such as an elderly parent, but do not qualify for EI sickness benefits.

・Parents with children who require care or supervision due to school or daycare closures, and are unable to earn employment income, irrespective of whether they qualify for EI or not.

Application for the Benefit will be available in April 2020, and require Canadians to attest that they meet the eligibility requirements. They will need to re-attest every two weeks to reconfirm their eligibility. Canadians will select one of three channels to apply for the Benefit: accessing it on their CRA MyAccount secure portal; accessing it from their secure My Service Canada Account; or calling a toll free number equipped with an automated application process.

引用:Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan




緊急対処手当て(Emergency Care Benefit)を、最大900カナダドル/2週間とし、最大15週間該当者に提供します。これらの定額給付は、カナダ歳入庁(CRA)を通じて管理され、以下を該当者とします。

■ COVID-19が原因で隔離を強いられている、或いはCOVID-19を罹患しているが、失業保険(EI)を得る資格の対象とならない自営業者または労働者。

■ COVID-19を罹患している家族の世話をしている、または高齢の親の介護をしていて、失業保険(EI)を得る資格の対象とならない、自営業者または労働者。

■ 失業保険(EI)を得る資格の有無を問わず、学校の閉鎖により、親による子どもの世話や指導を必要とし、またこれが原因で雇用収入を得ることができない親。

上記の緊急対処手当て(Emergency Care Benefit)の申請に関しては2020年4月より申請可能となります。


1. 「CRA MyAccount」内にて申請
2. 「My Service Canada Account」内にて申請
3. フリーダイヤルに電話して、自動申請案内に従って申請


Longer-Term Income Support for Workers
 労働者への長期所得支援(Longer-Term Income Support)

For Canadians who lose their jobs or face reduced hours as a result of COVID’s impact, the Government is:

・Introducing an Emergency Support Benefit delivered through the CRA to provide up to $5.0 billion in support to workers who are not eligible for EI and who are facing unemployment.

・Implementing the EI Work Sharing Program, which provides EI benefits to workers who agree to reduce their normal working hour as a result of developments beyond the control of their employers, by extending the eligibility of such agreements to 76 weeks, easing eligibility requirements, and streamlining the application process. This was announced by the Prime Minister on March 11, 2020.

引用:Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan



■ EIワークシェアリングプログラム(EI Work Sharing Program)を導入することで、雇用主の制御と管理の範囲を超えた予期せぬ今後の事態の発展を考慮した結果として通常の労働時間を削減することに同意した労働者には、失業保険が給付されます。



Income Support for Individuals Who Need It Most

For over 12 million low- and modest-income families, who may require additional help with their finances, the Government is proposing to provide a one-time special payment by early May 2020 through the Goods and Services Tax credit (GSTC). This will double the maximum annual GSTC payment amounts for the 2019-20 benefit year. The average boost to income for those benefitting from this measure will be close to $400 for single individuals and close to $600 for couples. This measure will inject $5.5 billion into the economy.

For over 3.5 million families with children, who may also require additional support, the Government is proposing to increase the maximum annual Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payment amounts, only for the 2019-20 benefit year, by $300 per child. The overall increase for families receiving CCB will be approximately $550 on average; these families will receive an extra $300 per child as part of their May payment. In total, this measure will deliver almost $2 billion in extra support.

Together, the proposed enhancements of the GSTC and CCB will give a single parent with two children and low to modest income nearly $1,500 in additional short-term support.

To ensure that certain groups who may be vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19 have the support they need, the Government is proposing targeted help by:

・Providing $305 million for a new distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund to address immediate needs in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation communities.

・Placing a six-month interest-free moratorium on the repayment of Canada Student Loans for all individuals currently in the process of repaying these loans.

・Reducing required minimum withdrawals from Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) by 25% for 2020, in recognition of volatile market conditions and their impact on many seniors’ retirement savings. This will provide flexibility to seniors that are concerned that they may be required to liquidate their RRIF assets to meet minimum withdrawal requirements. Similar rules would apply to individuals receiving variable benefit payments under a defined contribution Registered Pension Plan.

・Providing the Reaching Home initiative with $157.5 million to continue to support people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 outbreak. The funding could be used for a range of needs such as purchasing beds and physical barriers for social distancing and securing accommodation to reduce overcrowding in shelters.

・Supporting women and children fleeing violence, by providing up to $50 million to women’s shelters and sexual assault centres to help with their capacity to manage or prevent an outbreak in their facilities. This includes funding for facilities in Indigenous communities.

引用:Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan






■ 先住民族、イヌイット、メティスコミュニティにおける、緊急的な需要への対処として、先住民コミュニティ支援基金に3億500万カナダドルを提供します。

■ カナダの学生ローンの返済をしているすべての個人に、6か月の無利子期間の猶予を与えます。

■ 不安定な金融市場の状況と多くの高齢者退職貯蓄への影響を考慮して、2020年において登録退職所得基金(RRIF)から必要とされる最低出金額を25%削減します。

■ リーチングホーム支援に1億5750万カナダドルを提供し、COVID-19の現状においても、ホームレスの人々を引き続き支援します。この資金に関しては、シェルターの過密状態を緩和するために、ベッドの購入や、感染拡大減少のための適度な距離を保つための物理的な障壁や宿泊施設の確保など、さまざまなニーズに使用されます。

■ 女性専用シェルターと性的暴行保護センターに最大5000万カナダドルを提供します。施設での感染或いは事前予防策への経済支援として、暴力から逃がれる女性と児童を支援します。これらの資金には、先住民コミュニティ施設への資金提供も含まれます。


EIの申請資格が無いという方も、政府の緊急支援策である「Emergency Care Benefit」と「Emergency Support Benefit」が受けられる可能性があります。(こちらは4月にCRAのサイトを通して申請開始となる予定です。)
