【5月に1回のみ】カナダ政府、Canada Child Benefitの対象世帯へ子ども1人につき最大$300を追加給付予定


新型コロナウイルスの影響を受けて、カナダ政府が今年3月中旬にカナダ子ども手当(Canada Child Benefit)の支援を強化することを発表していたのを覚えている方も多いのではないでしょうか?


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【5月に子ども1人につき最大$300を給付予定】カナダ子ども手当(Canada Child Benefit)を受け取る家族に追加支援

2020年5月3日(日)、ジャスティントルドー首相の会見の中でカナダ子ども手当(Canada Child Benefit)を受けている世帯に向けて、5月に子ども1人につき追加で最大 $300 を給付することが語られました。

また、子どもが2人いる場合は最大 $600、3人いる場合は最大 $900 が追加で給付されること、この追加支援は5月の1回限りであるとの発言も聞くことができました。




Families to receive increased support through the Canada Child Benefit

Families are feeling the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 in their everyday lives. Parents are concerned about putting food on the table, and trying to find creative ways to educate and entertain their kids. This is a difficult time for many families, and we need to continue helping parents and investing in our children.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today highlighted that families receiving the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) will get $300 extra per child in May to help them deal with the added pressures of COVID-19.

Eligible families will automatically receive this one-time increase as part of their scheduled CCB payment in May. Those who already receive the CCB do not need to re-apply for this one-time increase. This increase will deliver almost $2 billion in extra support across the country to help families with the high cost of taking care of their kids during this challenging period.

This is just one of the many measures the Government of Canada has put in place to help families weather this crisis. In addition to this one-time CCB increase, we have provided individuals and families with low and modest incomes with a special top-up payment through the Goods and Services Tax credit. This measure gave, on average, close to $400 for single individuals and close to $600 for couples, injecting $5.5 billion into the Canadian economy. We have also extended the tax filing deadline for individuals to June 1, 2020.

The government will continue to monitor and respond to the health, social, and economic impacts of COVID-19. We stand ready to take additional actions as needed to support all Canadians, including families and children, and stabilize the economy.









“Parents already know how much the Canada Child Benefit helps with the costs of raising kids. By increasing this benefit for May, we are putting even more money in the pockets of families to help them navigate these uncertain times. We are taking the necessary steps to support families and children, so we can all get through this together.”

The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

「両親はすでに、カナダの児童手当が子どもを育てる費用にどれだけ役立つかを知っています。 5月のこの支援を増やすことで、家族がこの不確かな時間を乗り切る手助けをしています。私たちは家族と子供たちをサポートするために必要な措置を講じているので、私たちはこれを一緒に乗り越えることができます。」



Quick Facts

In 2016, the Government of Canada introduced the CCB, a simpler, tax-free, and more generous child benefit better targeted to those who need it most.
The CCB is a monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age.
The CCB has had a positive impact on families’ incomes, and has played a key role in reducing child poverty. Since it was introduced, the benefit has put more money in the pockets of about 9 out of 10 Canadian families with children.





また、カナダ政府の「Canada child benefit (CCB) payment increase: CRA and COVID-19」のページを見ると、「追加の支援額は世帯ごとのネットインカムによって異なる」と書かれています。

最大 $ 300 の追加支援ですが、それ以下の額の場合もあるので注意してください。