2021年2月24日はピンクシャツデー(Pink Shirt Day)です。
まずは、カナダBC州出身のスーパースター、マイケルブーブレさん。コメントでは、「今日、私はカナダ生まれのいじめに対する運動を支援するためにピンク色の服を着ていることを誇りに思います。 立ち上がって、愛を広げ、そして最も重要なことは、親切にすることです。」と語っています。
2. ジャスティントルドーご一家
We are absolutely tickled PINK to see @DrBonnieHenry and @adriandix joining #PinkShirtDay 2021!
These kindness superheroes embody our motto of #LiftEachOtherUp Thank you both so much for your support! ? ? ? pic.twitter.com/n5U4sSl9hC— Pink Shirt Day (@pinkshirtday) February 24, 2021
BC州のエイドリアン・ディクス保健相と衛生管理局長のBonnie Henry博士もオフィシャルのTシャツを着ていますよ。
5. John Tory(トロント市長)
オンタリオ州トロントの市長であるJohn Tory氏もピンクシャツと鮮やかなピンク色のネクタイを着用。コメントでは以下のように語っています。
オンタリオ州のダグフォード州首相はビデオでピンクシャツデーについて語っています。コメントでは、「いじめは容認できません。 学校であろうと職場であろうと、誰もがどこへ行っても安全で受け入れられていると感じるべきです。」と記しています。
In a world where you can be anything, be kind! Today we we celebrate #PinkShirtDay2021 ? pic.twitter.com/jURBbopdTL
— Ms. Narag (@MsNarag) February 24, 2021
Don't forget that tomorrow is #PinkShirtDay! Wear pink and take a stand AGAINST bullying! ?? #PinkShirtDay2021 #antibullying #ldnont @lpsmediaoffice pic.twitter.com/yvIl18t82e
— Sandasha Bough (@SandashaLPS) February 23, 2021
You CAN sit with us ?#PinkShirtDay2021 @StStephenOCSB pic.twitter.com/YPe3Y33JQ1
— Shannon O'Brien (she/her) (@MsOBrienOCSB) February 24, 2021
My family and I are standing up for kindness and against bullying. #pinkshirtday2021 pic.twitter.com/kBdduyNZ73
— Elizabeth Whitten (@EwhittenWhitten) February 24, 2021
Kindness always matters! We are Kind! #PinkShirtDay2021 @ndbrantford pic.twitter.com/pqkZLOoayU
— Marinelle Fernandez (@mrs_mfernandez) February 24, 2021
#PinkShirtDay2021 @RidgeviewDragon outside in the sun socially distanced in cohorts dancing away that we take a stand against bullying. Watch for our full length drone video footage coming soon! #westvaned @WestVanSchools pic.twitter.com/s4VVvd9SSm
— Ridgeview Elementary (@RidgeviewDragon) February 24, 2021
It may not be loud, but we are proud. In support of #PinkShirtDay, some RPS members are wearing pink under their uniforms today.
We join our community in taking a stand against bullying and encouraging kindness and respect – every day. #LiftEachotherUp #PinkShirtDay2021 pic.twitter.com/peWoxIUYmy
— Regina Police (@reginapolice) February 24, 2021
Along with so many others, we are wearing our pink today to end bullying. Join us! #PinkShirtDay2021 #yyc pic.twitter.com/QCqkYRz5Xl
— Calgary Police (@CalgaryPolice) February 24, 2021
Today is #PinkShirtDay, and #BCLeg will be illuminated in pink to mark the occasion. Let's stand together against bullying, lift each other up, and be kind to one another — always. #LiftEachOtherUp #PinkShirtDay2021 pic.twitter.com/hBQCDunuqn
— BC Legislature (@BCLegislature) February 24, 2021
Please join @vicpdcanada to stand up against bullying. It happens more frequently than we think, in person & online. Let's work together in treating everyone with dignity & respect. Our words matter. Choose kindness. #PinkShirtDay2021 pic.twitter.com/cMvvQs73qg
— Del Manak (@ChiefManak) February 24, 2021
It's Canadian #PinkShirtDay in support of the movement against bullying! Let's all be kind and support one another ?#spreadkindness #AmongUs #Leafsforever #PinkShirtDay2021 pic.twitter.com/QdHmdWbmFd
— CarltonTheBear (@CarltonTheBear) February 24, 2021