With the Government of Canada announcing further public health protections at the border, processes are being introduced to support enhanced family reunification, entry for compassionate reasons, and the safe and gradual entry of some international students. THREAD pic.twitter.com/KNl2wzZrtu
— IRCC (@CitImmCanada) October 2, 2020
留学生のカナダへの渡航制限緩和に関するアップデート(Update on travel restriction exemptions for international students) 日本語意訳
Updated travel restrictions will take effect on October 20, 2020, to allow the entry of international students to Canada if they will be attending a designated learning institution with a COVID-19 readiness plan approved by their provincial or territorial government.
— IRCC (@CitImmCanada) October 2, 2020
Learning institutions whose COVID-19 readiness plans have been approved by their provincial or territorial government will soon be able to welcome more international students back to their schools.
Amended travel restrictions will take effect on October 20, allowing international students to enter Canada if their designated learning institution (DLI) has an approved COVID-19 readiness plan in place. With primary responsibility for education and health care, provincial and territorial governments assess COVID-19 readiness plans that schools are putting in place. As part of their plans, DLIs are expected to provide specifics to their provincial or territorial government on how they will provide information to international students on health and travel requirements before they arrive in Canada, help students with their quarantine plans and provide guidance or assistance in acquiring the necessities of life, such as food and medication, during their quarantine. Readiness plans also need to establish protocols for the health of students in the event there are suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases at the school.
カナダの州政府 or 準州政府によってCOVID-19に対する準備計画が承認された学校などの学習機関は、間もなくより多くの留学生を学校に迎え入れることができるようになります。
今回の渡航制限緩和は10月20日(火)に始まり、指定された学習機関(DLI:Designated Learning Institution)にてCOVID-19に対する予防などの準備計画が承認され、そしてその計画が実際に実施されている場合、その学習機関に通う予定の留学生はカナダに入国できるようになります。
なお指定された学習機関(DLI)は制定したCOVID- 19への準備計画において、留学を希望する外国籍の学生に関して、カナダに到着する前に健康やと渡航の要件に関する事前情報を提供する方法について、州政府または準州政府に詳細を事前に提供することが必要となります。
The Government of Canada works closely with provinces and territories on the attraction and hosting of international students in Canada and other issues related to international education. Provincial and territorial partners indicated they would like to see a process that allows international students to begin travelling to Canada again, as long as it is done safely and respects health requirements.
Taking a cautious approach, the federal, provincial and territorial governments have worked together in developing that process. The list of DLIs with an approved COVID-19 readiness plan in place will be posted on IRCC’s web page for international students affected by COVID-19 restrictions and updated regularly as provinces and territories identify additional schools.
This change to travel restrictions affects all international students, regardless of where they are travelling from or when their study permit was approved. Travellers should not make any travel plans until they have met all requirements and received all necessary authorizations.
まずは、すでにCOVID-19に対する準備計画が提出・確認、そして承認された指定の学習機関(DLI)のリストをIRCCのWebページに掲載する予定です。(web page for international students affected by COVID-19 restrictions)また、各々の州や準州は引き続きリストへ追加される学校の認定を進め、定期的にこちらのリストを更新する予定です。
Reminder that all travellers must have a plan to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in Canada, unless they’re exempt.
— IRCC (@CitImmCanada) October 2, 2020
The travel of asymptomatic international students who have the appropriate documents to enter Canada and whose DLI is on the list of institutions with approved COVID-19 readiness plans in place will be considered to be non-discretionary and non-optional, unless there is evidence that they are clearly coming to Canada for a discretionary or optional purpose, such as tourism.
With the amended travel restrictions, immediate family members may be able to accompany an international student to Canada if their reason for travel is non-optional or non-discretionary, such as getting established in Canada in support of the principal applicant’s study program. This could include a spouse or common-law partner, a dependant, or in the case of a minor child who will be studying in Canada, a parent or legal guardian.
Like all travellers to Canada, international students and accompanying family members will be subject to all public health measures, including the mandatory 14-day quarantine period upon arrival in Canada.
ただ、もしその他の証拠の実証により、 彼らの渡航が明らかに任意であり、観光など自主裁量的な目的でカナダに渡航しようとしていることが判明した場合は入国ができません。
Learn more about upcoming changes to expand exemptions to the travel restrictions for family members and compassionate cases: https://t.co/qHFAa9L9Le
— IRCC (@CitImmCanada) October 2, 2020
Entering #Canada from abroad?
1. Download the ArriveCAN app.
2. Submit your mandatory #COVID19 info through the app within 48 hrs before your arrival
3. Go immediately to your place of #quarantine for 14 days.Download the app: https://t.co/4lsMB12Otw pic.twitter.com/DNz6Chs8ex
— Health Canada and PHAC (@GovCanHealth) September 23, 2020