目次 [show]
1. 7月にカナダ児童手当(Canada Child Benefit)の増額
The CCB will be increasing this July to help you pay for things like fresh food, schools supplies, and family activities. The increase will raise the maximum benefit to $6,765 per child under age 6, and $5,708 per child aged 6 through 17. Learn more at https://t.co/jPxmMS46DE
— Marwan Tabbara MP (@marwantabbaramp) May 20, 2020
以前5月3日にジャスティントルドー首相の会見の中でカナダ子ども手当(Canada Child Benefit)を受けている世帯に向けて、5月に子ども1人につき追加で最大 $300 を給付することが語っていましたが、先日カナダ児童手当の7月分を増額するとの発表がありました。
This month we're giving parents extra support through the #CanadaChildBenefit (CCB) as they deal with challenges caused by #COVID19. And in July, CCB payments will increase once again.
Find out more: https://t.co/X73LfWVe7L pic.twitter.com/hcbHIzgoew
— Employment and Social Development Canada (@ESDC_GC) May 20, 2020
ニュースリリース:Prime Minister announces annual increase to the Canada Child Benefit
Canada child benefit (CCB) payment increase: CRA and COVID-19
2. カナダ緊急商業家賃援助(Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance)の申請が5月25日スタート
With this program, we’re making sure small business owners can get the help they need to recover and come back after the pandemic. For more on the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program, click here: https://t.co/POYF5m6i77
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) May 25, 2020
新型コロナウイルスが原因で財政難に直面している中小企業の家賃支払いを助けるためのカナダ緊急商業家賃援助(CECRA) の申請が先日5月25日よりスタートしました。
If you’re a commercial property owner and have small business tenants struggling to make their rent, you may be eligible for the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance. Your day to apply depends on your province or territory. Details: https://t.co/xUp1pmbpz7 #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/JODBUzlHDu
— CanadianPM (@CanadianPM) May 24, 2020
ニュースリリース:Prime Minister announces opening of program to protect jobs and help businesses
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Apply for CECRA
COVID-19 is having unique impacts on Indigenous peoples across the country, including those living in urban centres or off reserve. So today, we’re increasing funding for Indigenous organizations that are providing the services and support they need. https://t.co/dJkAQLwdoR
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) May 21, 2020
新型コロナウイルスはカナダの先住民のコミュニティにも健康や経済的にも大きな影響を与えていることから、カナダ政府は5月21日に新たに 7,500万ドルの支援金を先住民コミュニティに投入することを発表しました。この支援金は、居住地から離れて暮らしている先住民を支援する団体に対してのものです。
Today, our gov announced $75M to indigenous organizations. This new funding will help:
?️Community-based projectsSupport mental health & food security organizations
?Purchase sanitation & protective equipment
? Purchase educational materials for Indigenous children & youth.— William Amos (@WillAAmos) May 21, 2020
4. カナダのすべての労働者に1年で10日間の病気休暇を検討
The Liberal government will continue discussions with the provinces, without delay, to ensure that as we enter the recovery phase of the pandemic, every worker in Canada who needs it has access to 10 days of paid sick leave a year. pic.twitter.com/AjnWO8QjZ0
— Liberal Party (@liberal_party) May 25, 2020
賃金や仕事を失うことなく申請できる病気休暇(sick leave)。
新型コロナウイルスの拡大を防ぐためにも引き続き安全第一に過ごして、一日も早く元の生活に戻れるように or 安全な新しい日常にできるように、みんなで協力しましょう。