連日カナダでは新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が続いていますが、政府によるカナダ緊急対応給付金(Canada Emergency Response Benefit)の申請が4月6日(月)からいよいよ始まります。
If you’ve lost your income because of COVID-19, the Canada Emergency Response Benefit will give you $2,000 a month for up to 4 months. It doesn’t matter whether you worked full time, on contract, or were self-employed – you qualify and can apply starting the week of April 6th.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) April 1, 2020
目次 [show]
【日本語訳】カナダ緊急対応給付金・CERB(Canada Emergency Response Benefit)の申請条件と方法まとめ
Are you applying for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit?
With My Account & direct deposit, you could get your payment within 3 business days! If you choose a cheque, you can get it within 10 business days.Set up your account here: https://t.co/DjNx13XzCo#COVID19 #CdnTax pic.twitter.com/tARqz5VNqR
— Employment and Social Development Canada (@ESDC_GC) April 2, 2020
それではここからは、カナダ政府の Canada Emergency Response Benefit ページを日本語に訳してみたので、その内容をお伝えします。
What is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit
If you stopped working because of COVID-19, the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) may provide you with temporary income support.
The CERB provides $500 a week for up to 16 weeks.
How to apply
We will start accepting applications on April 6.
Prior to April 6, individuals who are without work and are eligible for EI can continue to apply for Employment Insurance.
Important! If you are not eligible for Employment Insurance, find out how you can get ready to apply for the CERB through the Canada Revenue Agency.
Whether you apply online or by phone, the CRA wants to provide the best service possible to everyone. To help manage this, the CRA has set up specific days for you to apply. Please use the following guidelines:
失業保険(EI)の資格がない者はカナダ歳入庁(Canada Revenue Agency)を通して、カナダ緊急対応手当(CERB)の申請を行ってください。
Day to apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit(生まれた月に基づくCERB申請開始日のチャート)
If you were born in the month of(生まれた月) | Apply for CERB on(CERB申請が可能な曜日) | Your best day to apply(申請推奨日) |
January, February or March (一月、二月、三月) |
Mondays (月曜日) |
April 6 (四月六日) |
April, May, or June (四月、五月、六月) |
Tuesdays (火曜日) |
April 7 (四月七日) |
July, August, or September (七月、八月、九月) |
Wednesdays (水曜日) |
April 8 (四月八日) |
October, November, or December (十月、十一月、十二月) |
Thursdays (木曜日) |
April 9 (四月九日) |
Any month (一月から十二月まで) |
Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (金曜日、土曜日、日曜日) |
The benefit will be available to workers:
・Residing in Canada, who are at least 15 years old;
・Who have stopped working because of COVID-19 and have not voluntarily quit their job;
・Who had income of at least $5,000 in 2019 or in the 12 months prior to the date of their application; and
・Who are or expect to be without employment or self-employment income for at least 14 consecutive days in the initial four-week period. For subsequent benefit periods, they expect to have no employment income.
The Benefit is only available to individuals who stopped work as a result of reasons related to COVID-19. If you are looking for a job but haven’t stopped working because of COVID-19, you are not eligible for the Benefit.
CERBの手当は、COVID- 19の影響によりやむを得ず仕事が停止した人のみ受け取ることができます。もしあなたが求職をしながらも、今ある仕事を止めていない状況である場合は受け取る資格はありません。
最後に:申請に備えて事前に CRA My Account を作成しておきましょう
To get the Canada Emergency Response Benefit faster once applications are open, you can sign up in advance for My Account through the @CanRevAgency. And if you can, choose direct deposit to get money into your account sooner.
https://t.co/8ACNQzODAh pic.twitter.com/BI0oPuXG4r
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) March 31, 2020
最後になりますが、カナダ緊急対応給付金のアプリケーションが始まる4月6日に備えて、早めに CRA(Canada Revenue Agency:カナダ歳入庁) My Account を作成しておくことが推奨されているので、紹介します。
② ダイレクトデポジットの登録
Do you have a CRA My Account? We will soon be accepting applications for the new Canada Emergency Response Benefit. (1/4) pic.twitter.com/GqE8YyTpet
— Canada Revenue Agency (@CanRevAgency) March 30, 2020
また、カナダ政府のCanada Emergency Response Benefitページに記載されている Q&A に関しては、後日まとめて日本語訳をお届けする予定です。
カナダ政府 Canada Emergency Response Benefit